Tag: <span>10 month old baby boy</span>

I started 5 weeks of bonding time off 10 days ago and I think it’s actually working–meaning, Nolan has bonded to me quite well, maybe even too well. He prefers me over his dad about 75% of the time. Even when we give him free reign to crawl and go almost wherever he pleases, he still comes right up to me and demands to be held and acknowledged. He rarely ever does that to Rob though! Nolan will definitely have a hard time when I go back to work in 3.5 weeks.

So what are we up to during this bonding time? Well, we’re headed to Europe! We’ll be visiting Amsterdam, Belgium, Paris and London for 2.5 weeks. Not all pleasure though since I’ll be photographing a wedding and 2 engagement sessions in Paris. I just barely started packing and it looks to be quite daunting. I am trying to avoid packing a separate luggage for Nolan but this little guy, even with his tiny clothes, seems to need the most stuff out of us all. Oh and don’t forget about the hundred pounds of photography gear we need to lug around from country to country. Please pray that I survive this trip. Thanks!

I still can’t get over that this is my child.
45 week old baby boy thao vu photography

Nolan signing “milk” (opening and closing his hands). This is the first “sign” he picked up on and loves to show if off.
45 week old baby boy milk baby signing time

Within the last few days he started screaming A LOT! No clue why.
45 week old baby boy thao vu photography

From crazy screaming child to sweet innocent boy. Bipolar? Maybe.
45 week old baby boy thao vu photography

*All of these photos were taken on the 5D Mark III with the 40mm pancake lens. My 50mm 1.2 is getting some TLC.


Nolan has been watching ‘Baby Signing Time’ for the last few months and is completely mesmerized by it. We would at times watch other TV shows with him but nothing captivates his attention like this particular learning show. He’s started to show signs of catching on to some of it–the most prominent being “milk”. Other things he can also do is clap, high-five and peek-a-boo (covering his own eyes). Nolan’s getting so smart and picking up on things so quickly now. Rob claims he can even stand on his own for a few seconds.

Super excited for Easter though he looks more like a girl here with all that pink.
infant easter photoshoot

It was a bit too cold at the park for Nolan and he wasn’t afraid to cry about it.
infant easter photoshoot

I love his genuine smile.
infant easter photoshoot

I was away in Puerto Vallarta photographing a destination wedding this past weekend and was gone for nearly 4 days. Since it was the longest that I have ever been away from Nolan we had a lot of Google Hangout sessions to stay in touch. Below are screenshots of some of my favorites with him smiling wide-eyed, playing peek-a-boo, clapping his hands and posing like a little model.

google hangout screenshot

This one below was the very first session we had. I like how both Rob and Nolan are in it with Rob recording our session on the GoPro.
google hangout screenshot

Nolan had a visitor last week: cousin Lorelai. They get along so well!!
