My little man is so skinny! He can’t even fit his socks! So much so that I call him “Gollum” from Lord of the Rings; he especially resembles Gollum when crying his butt off. We hope he gains some weight soon to fill in those thighs and cheeks so we can move on to other nicknames. Since he got to shoot with mommy last week at his 2 week old photos, daddy got to join him this time. I’m so glad to have captured these precious images of them. My heart just aches with joy seeing them together.
As for myself I am still feeling weak. It was a miracle that I could muster up the energy to pick up the camera to snap these photos. I had to force myself to do it knowing that it will all be worth it when he’s older and has these photos to look back upon. Now the next step is getting myself out of the house for fresh air. It just feels like such a monumental undertaking to take a newborn out of the house. What to pack, how much of each, the unpredictable feedings and crying…the list just goes on and on that I’m exhausted just thinking about it. Perhaps on the 4th we’ll go visit my parents.
This has got to be my favorite image of him thus far. It was a split second movement that I was so lucky to snap.
Big YAWN! And see, doesn’t he resemble Gollum with his skinny neck in the air?
Just chillaxin’ with Daddy.