Tag: <span>41 week old baby boy</span>

Hooray! No more pumping! Over the weekend I packed up that pump and all it’s parts and can officially declare 9 months of pumping a success. Didn’t produce quite enough but glad I did what I could for as long as I could. I actually used an app to track my pumping and it shows I pumped about 4,100 oz. Sounds like a lot but if I were producing enough it should have been twice that amount. Now I can gear up for a number of BIG things happening over the next 2 months: lasik eye surgery, shooting a wedding in Mexico, wisdom teeth removal (the final top 2), 3 week Euro trip, shooting a wedding in Paris and planning Nolan’s 1st birthday extravaganza. Heck, I even started reading again! (“The Way of Kings” by Brandon Sanderson) Though at a much slower pace compared to pre-Nolan but at least I have a bit of “me” time again. Been having to employ a TON of self control not to read all the way into the wee hours of the morning. Anyhow, after all that we kick it into high gear for wedding season.

What’s up with my Nolan? He has eaten a number of more solid, non-pureed foods. Was a bit hesitant at first giving us that cringe look that he inherited from mommy, but we can tell he totally digs the savory, flavorful stuff like pho and other soupy dishes. He automatically opens his mouth wide for every bite. We’re still giving him pureed foods at least once a day so he can ease into the solids. Nolan also enjoys munching on peaches and nectarines. I take a few big bites for him first and hand it on over for the little guy to go to town with. Love it that he knows how to use those bottom teeth to get the juices out. Lately he’s been addicted to closing doors, pressing buttons and cruising furniture. LOVES peek-a- boo and his nightly ritual of chasing mommy around the room before bath time (we both crawl). He’s also gotten very attached to both Rob and I–wants to be held and smiles when he sees us which leads to definite signs of “stranger danger”.

Showing off his rack of teeth on the bottom. 41 week old baby boy

I still enjoy watching him play. So curious as to what goes on in that little head of his. 41 week old baby boy

Has learned to press the buttons to play different sounds. 41 week old baby boy

Once in a while glances over at me with a huge smile. 41 week old baby boy

We can’t wait to meet little Romy! Plus, check out my crazy afro bangs!! I really hope they grow faster so I can flatten ’em down. Ugh.
41 week old baby boy

First fruit experience!
