Tag: <span>8 month old baby boy</span>

Hoping sleep regression is over–Nolan has fallen asleep within 30 minutes after his bath for 3 nights straight now. That would have made it a total of 5 weeks. He’s become so advanced so quickly in rolling, crawling, pulling himself up, plopping himself back down and cruising that his brain is finally giving him a much needed break. He tends to wake up crying more when he sleeps in his own crib though. In our bed he sleeps so much better and “snakes” his way to a little nook between mine and Rob’s pillows as if he knows that’s where he belongs. LOVE my little munchkin for being the sweetest thing!! But really hoping he stays used to sleeping in his own crib. We like our own space and don’t want to co-sleep if we don’t have to.

Two more teeth are growing on the bottom so that means lots of drooling and tons of munching on anything and everything (even on our fingers–ouch!). We’re so lucky that it doesn’t make him too fussy and no fever has ever affected him either. Nowadays he smiles as if to show off his pearly whites. He enjoys playing peek-a-boo and chasing mommy around corners. His favorite snack, hands down, are the savory Gerber sticks. No matter what he’s doing, even if he’s “full”, he’ll drop everything midway to munch on one. Looking forward to next week’s 9 month check-up for new official stats to share!

38 week old baby boy 8 month old baby boy

Can you see the two coming up?? The 2nd photo looks as if he’s trying too hard to either smile or show us his teeth.
38 week old baby boy 8 month old baby boy

Noly being his usual giggly self.
38 week old baby boy 8 month old baby boy

Always giving me beautiful smiles in between munches.
38 week old baby boy 8 month old baby boy

This shows how addicted he is to that pacifier with the old switcheroo.


The 11th lands on a Tuesday this month and next so that’s 2 less blogs for mommy to do. Whoopee! Less work on mommy to coordinate shoots and blogging. =)

Nolan still has the case of sleep regression. We’re into week 2 of this and hoping it will end soon, if not already. We just put him down and I think he’s been asleep for 10 minutes now. I said a prayer before leaving the room hoping that tonight will be the end of sleep regression madness. They were right in saying babies seem to learn it all at once: sitting up like pros, into crawling, then to pulling themselves up and then cruising furniture. Nolan has gotten quite good at pulling himself up and he’s only started doing this in the last week. Yes, we had to lower his crib down a notch to prevent him from falling forward and out. He is now a whole head above the railing and looks out at us in the room all the time. Nolan will definitely be getting into a lot more trouble soon. Already lunging after remotes,  phones, tablets, keyboards w/o any sense of the consequences of hitting his head or falling out of the bed for ’em. Hoping I won’t need to photograph a bruised up baby in the coming months.

Anyhow, in celebration of Valentines day we made today’s shoot just a tad festive with a cute onesie and some kisses from mommy. This is all credited to daddy dearest. Check out our little, big man at 8 months!!

8 month old baby boy mr right onesie valentines day shoot

Our little laughing machine.
8 month old baby boy mr right onesie valentines day shoot

Blue steel!
8 month old baby boy mr right onesie valentines day shoot

I absolutely love his expressions.
8 month old baby boy mr right onesie valentines day shoot

8 month old baby boy mr right onesie valentines day shoot

8 month old baby boy mr right onesie valentines day shoot

One of my favorite things to do is watch Nolan play. It’s just so fascinating to see how he soaks in his environment and how he interacts with each toy. It’s so crazy once you realize the sheer impact you have on a little human being that what you do from the start really makes a big difference on how they turn out to be later in life. Makes me much more aware and conscious of what I do for him and how I choose to spend my time with him. Here’s my little human getting to know the world he was born into. If you’re wondering, yes, we are guilty of “caging” him up but in the beginning it was mainly to keep his toys contained in the play area. Now he uses it to practice standing and pulling himself up but of course also to cry and get our attention to pick him up. Love the little guy!!
8 month old baby boy

A funky thing he did a few days ago that we’d like to share. Babies do the darnest things!!

Oh, as I am wrapping up this blog he is still asleep!! *fingers crossed*
