Tag: <span>disneyland</span>

It’s amazing how much a child grows in a year, especially in the first couple years of life. From these photos alone you see a baby just barely standing at a year old to finally walking at 18 months and now a silly pigtail’ed girl running the show at home. Harlow’s personality shines so much brighter and stronger compared to her brothers. We were so used to having such chill boys and then she came along and totally switched things up. When she’s unhappy, she’ll definitely let you know. When she doesn’t like or want something, you had better get it as far away from her as possible or else you’re in for it. And of course when she’s happy, you’ll get the best smiles and giggles out of her that make up for all the crazy things she’s ever done. We’re so looking forward to awesome terrible two tantrums and more side-eyeing from this little one. Check out all the ones we captured below!!

February 2018 to May 2018

May 2018 to July 2018

July 2018 to August 2018

August 2018 to September 2018

September 2018 to October 2018

October 2018 to November 2018

November 2018 to January 2019

January 2019
Just mommy and daughter day at Disneyland on her birthday. I’d have to say the highlight of the trip was meeting Minnie. She couldn’t wait in line and ran up to her while other people were taking photos. I don’t think I’ll ever forget her excitement. That moment will forever be ingrained in my memory bank.

Favorite ride: Dumbo! Did not want to get off. Carousel comes in at a close second.
Favorite gift: light up balloon.

Happy Birthday to our Harlow! It’s so cliche to say, but we love you more than you’ll EVER know.
