Tag: <span>family holiday photos</span>

Merry Christmas Eve!! Christmas completely changes when you have a kid. It’s not about you anymore, it’s all about the little ones and making sure they are happy. We’re so glad to be celebrating Nolan’s first Christmas and hope to have done everything possible to make it joyfully memorable. He won’t remember a thing but we’ll always have fond memories of this occasion. With the photos and videos we’ll be able to show him how much he was loved. Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!!

I got the white throw (on clearance), burlap pillows ($3 each) and Santa hat ($3) all from Target.
baby boy christmas photos

baby boy christmas photos

28 week old baby boy christmas photos

baby boy christmas photos

Here’s our official holiday card. I couldn’t get a higher resolution one since that’s all they’d offer as a proof on TinyPrints. Too lazy to scan it in.
family holiday card 2013

Some “Auto Awesome” photos courtesy of Google! They had the snow and twinkle effects just for the holidays.
snow auto awesome ornament auto awesome twinkle auto awesome snow father son

Earlier in the week we went to see Christmas lights at a neighborhood in Torrance. Google added the twinkly lights to this image.

We traditionally attend vigil mass on Christmas Eve and head on over to my parents’ home afterwards for dinner and gifts. Nolan got to spend some quality time with his cousins and open his first gifts.

We took these right before 4PM mass at Christ Cathedral.
christ cathedral 2013 christmas tree

Poor Nolan was asleep for this group photo; my sister, Julie, is carrying him in her Tula wrap conversion.
christmas 2013 family photo

Nolan’s 1st gift was this Car’s themed feeding seat. Obviously, he LOVED it!
christmas 2013

Other random photos that will be treasured keepsakes for his memory book.
christmas 2013 family photos

Another great laugh attack on Christmas Eve-Eve!


So proud of my little man this week! He’s really enjoying eating solids now at 3x a day but that may be due to the fact that he’s growing teeth!!!  My heart kind of skipped a beat when Rob told me last Friday. This weird feeling of “not ready” swept over me; I felt completely silly for feeling that way but I truly felt unprepared for it.  He’s been very cranky due to the pains; still smiley and laughs but now also very needy and bothered. We suspect that biting down on the spoon eases his pain, hence the reason he’s taking so well to eating. Weird thing is he also prefers the food cold, straight from the fridge. The cold probably helps ease his painful gums. Hoping we’ll get through these “growing pains” soon.

We took this photo of his emerging teeth on Saturday. This was a very difficult shot to take; he kept sticking out his tongue and wiggling around a ton. You can see two tiny white slithers emerging at the bottom there. Anyone know how long it takes to fully emerge?
27 week old baby boy; first teeth

His official 27th week photo posing in a super cute onesie from Uncle Ken that says:
“I don’t always drink milk but when I do…I prefer DOS BOOBIES”.
He totally looks “milk drunk” here trying to balance himself sitting. The stunna shades help hide his drunkenness too ($2 from Children’s Place).
27 week old baby boy aviator sunglasses

This past Sunday we attended the annual “Christmas in the Cages” event at Rancho Las Lomas where we also celebrated our wedding day over 3 years ago. It was nice to bring Nolan to visit the grounds and to do our holiday family photo shoot at the same time. There’s normally a fee to shoot there since you can’t access the grounds unless you have an event hosted or you pay a fee to have a shoot done. This is the easiest way for us to have the photos taken on the grounds w/o any additional fees. We may take advantage of this event every year to have our family photos done. It may be cutting it a bit close to the Christmas holiday but it holds a special place in our hearts so we’ll wing it anyway.  (I really hope the event doesn’t get all super crowded next year with photographers shooting families because I said all that. It would be kinda funny, sorta, not really cuz it would spoil my “secret” loophole. hahaha!) Enjoy some of the photos taken by Duy below. We’ll reveal our holiday card in next week’s blog post.

Me with Noly and one of the tigers enjoying the yummy Christmas present–a whole turkey!
christmas in the cages rancho las lomas

A few of our family shots taken around the grounds.
rancho las lomas

family hoilday photos

These 2 are definitely twinsies–both laughing then mouths wide open at the same time!
family holiday photoshoot

The grounds, beautiful as always on a toasty 75 degree SoCal day!
rancho las lomas

We also got to take photos with the cool SoCal Santa.
rancho las lomas santa christmas in the cages 2013

Cousin Quinn and Godparents Quang + Nancy were also on hand for the fun. Quinn is completely intrigued with Nolan, can’t take her eyes off of this person that is the “same” size as herself.
family photos

Some candid’s while roaming around the grounds. See that pocket under Nolan’s bum? That’s a nifty slot for your cellphone!
rancho las lomas
