Tag: <span>sequoia national park</span>

Biggest milestone: kindergarten! The best part is getting to attend with his 2 cousins AND it’s a Vietnamese/English immersion program thru 6th grade. Seven full years of homework in two languages. Not only is it a HUGE challenge for him but also for us. We’ll need to assist him with all his studies. Plus is that it will also reinforce our understanding of Vietnamese. Hoping all our efforts will be well worth it in the end.

Nolan has definitely started becoming more opinionated and independent. Started off the school year wearing sweat pants everyday. Comfort was definitely key. It then evolved into preferring to dress himself and you can guess how that turned out. Against mommy’s wishes he tucks his jeans into his socks and tucks his shirt into his pants. Loves to wear turtlenecks and ripped jeans. The love of turtlenecks has his dad and I dubbing him “Steve Jobs”. Nolan wore his black turtleneck at least once a week to school. If we got around to doing laundry mid-week he’d totally sneak in a 2nd wear. Crazy silly kid! We really hope it’s just a short-lived phase and won’t continue into 1st grade.

Overall he’s done great in school (excels in math), is a wonderful big brother, developed a LOVE for Pokemon and is mostly a great son that doesn’t give us too much heartache/headaches (yet). Since he’s great overall (and the oldest) we set the bar pretty high and sometimes have to remind ourselves to take a step back so that we’re not so tough on him. Let him be a kid while he’s still a kid. It won’t be too long until he’s a teen that won’t be as openly silly or crazy with us so we’ll soak up and enjoy every second of it. So proud of our little guy and love watching him grow and learn and lead the way for his siblings.

Summer adventures in Tulum, Sequoia and the beaches before hitting Kindergarten with Quinn and Lorelai.

October is always so festive. Nolan chose Batman for his Halloween costume.

New year, new ride. Last year he received a bike for Christmas; this year a power wheels racer.

Spring time adventures around town at museums, parks, beaches and the aquarium.

More spring fun at Easter mass, the flower fields in Carlsbad and strawberry picking at Tanaka Farms. See the bottom right photo with his denim jeans tucked into his socks??!!

He’s so silly now. Could not get him to stand still for a decent photo. Mostly Fort Night inspired moves.

His shirt says it all. That is all we ever hear from his mouth nowadays–everything POKEMON!
My big guy is 6!
