Tag: <span>thao vu photography</span>

Dear Nolan,

I may have dubbed you the rudest awakening to my life a year ago, but you are so very far from that. Yes, I may have needed to learn to become more efficient than I already was. I even gave up weekly manicures, my love for reading books and a handful of TV shows just to have enough time to work 2 jobs and spend time with you. But those weekly manicures, good reads and awesome television shows have nothing on that sweet giggle of yours. To hear you laugh, to see you light up and smile is the best thing that God has given me. It’s cliche to say but you opened up a whole new kind of love I never knew existed in me. I only wish that I knew of it sooner. I pray that God will bless me with many more children so that they can also witness your giggles, your smiles, your sweet personality. Life surprises us with so many unexpected things and you are the most unexpected happiness of all. Thank you for allowing me to be your mommy and to get to watch you grow, smile and spread that contagious laugh for the world to see is the best thing that I can ever ask for. I promise to be the best mommy that I possibly can; to listen, to teach, to comfort and guide you. There’s so much more to life with you that I am looking forward to experiencing. I hope we have many, many wonderful years of great memories together. And you can bet I will be there to capture the memories!

Love you with all my heart!

hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon 1st birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon 1st birthday photoshoot

I started planning Nolan’s 1st birthday photoshoot ever since we got back from Europe. Not sure how I stumbled upon the idea but after searching thru Pinterest the concept was locked down: Nolan riding a hot air balloon! I had to find a suitable basket, a large enough balloon, a pilot beanie and a few other props to round out the theme. I had my cousins make me the “N” and number “1”–they are quite talented!! Just last week I had no idea they made balloon nets big enough for 36″ balloons! It was a lifesaver since I had no clue how to hold down the balloon beautifully; I was so close to buying a fishing net to cut up to my own specs. The tissue poms on the basket took me about an  hour to make. Again, it was a lot of hard work but it was all worth it for my little guy.

It’s been a bittersweet run with these weekly blog posts. I think in a month from now I may start to miss these weekly photoshoots and updates, but no fear! I will try to post a blog once a month so its really not a good-bye but a “see you less often” kind of deal. Thanks to everyone who kept up with us. We’re happy to have shared in our first year of parenthood and adventure with Nolan. We survived and we will continue to conquer life one day at a time. First thing’s first: his 6 shots and blood draw is tomorrow morning. Wish us luck!! See you later everyone!!

A few behind the scenes shots from the photoshoot.
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot
hot air balloon birthday photoshoot

Thanks to Quang, Nancy and Kortney who all came along to help us with the shoot. It went a lot more smooth with extra hands. We had Quinn join for a few obligatory shots to capture the memories for the kiddos. The cousins will appreciate it much later in life.


My belated reflection on 2013:

Through the first half of the year I was prepping our lives for an addition to our family. Little did I know I was in for quite a rude awakening. Being pregnant, gaining weight, avoiding alcohol, giving up sushi+oysters and waddling around was the easiest part. I truly was not prepared for the 2nd half of 2013 when Nolan made his debut. For the first 2 months I felt as if he was the rudest thing to happen to me. In an instant this tiny little person demanded my attention (and my husband’s) nearly 24/7. Didn’t he know I had other priorities that were also quite pressing that don’t just disappear when he appeared? And that mommy likes to sleep probably just as much as he does? How rude! It took me forever to grasp that my old life was gone for good, my old routine and lifestyle a thing WAY in the past. Only when he started to show that he recognized me and my voice did I start to grow a true attachment to him. It was an instantaneous moment of realization that I so truly loved him with all my heart and being; that nothing else in the world mattered more than he did. Of course with that realization, complications arose. I had to adjust my priorities and make some very hard decisions for his sake. I’m taking on A LOT less photography gigs to ensure that I have plenty of quality time with him. I do not want to look back with regrets on missing out on the most important parts of his life. He’s only a baby for so long, so pure and innocent and completely honest that I’m just basking and soaking it all up now for as long as I can.

We’re still getting used to this new lifestyle. It’s funny that when we think we’ve found a good routine something new with Nolan happens and we find ourselves adjusting again. Everyday still brings on challenges; with that new things to learn and more things to share as first time parents.  I’m still agitated that our rooms are in a constant state of disorganization.  I want so badly to have a day or 2 or 3 to organize everything. I still really miss getting lost in a book for hours on end for days at a time.  I used to come and go as I please but now every thing we do revolves around the little dude. I still don’t get how one little person can demand so much of 2 grown people but I guess something that brings us so much joy and love deserves that kind of attention.

7 month old baby boy thao vu photography

7 month old baby boy thao vu photography

Nothing can take the place of the love this little guy has taken up in my heart.
On a side note: can you see all the hair regrowing sticking up on my head? Such an eyesore but all for that little cutie.
7 month old baby boy with mommy

Just me and my little guy.
7 month old baby boy with mommy

Auto Awesome video!! Watch how Nolan spends his day on his 7 month birthday riding in his new rear facing big boy seat, falling asleep in it, going to the office with mommy, having his photoshoot there and chilling with Aunt Anh and Uncle Ken.

So what’s new in parenthood? Baby food making and a convertible car seat.

We started making baby food for Nolan a couple weeks ago. The Baby Brezza was what we first purchased since it seemed to be the better of the 2 baby food makers that was available at our local Target. It cooks and blends all in one step which made it super convenient for this busy momma. After a few tries with butternut squash and apples we found that the food was inconsistent and chunky which made Nolan gag. Quite odd to us since he loves apples. Rob took the foods and blended them further with our own Magic Bullet which made a huge difference! The food came out a lot more smooth and consistent, no chunks. Nolan enjoyed it much more after the Magic Bullet did it’s “magic”. Needless to say we will be returning the Baby Brezza and just sticking to our own Magic Bullet. Plus, the Baby Brezza cost twice as much as a Magic Bullet. No brainer! I may have to boil the foods separately before blending but that’s ok. As long as Nolan’s happily eating what we make him, it saves us money and it’s healthier for the guy–both a win win in our books. How often does Nolan eat solids? We feed him 3x a day and he eats about 3-4oz in each sitting. The first 2 meals is exclusively food that we’ve made for him. His last meal of the day is a mix of oatmeal baby cereal with home made food.

magic bullet vs baby brezza for baby food making

We’ve been looking into the “perfect” convertible car seat for Nolan. What does “convertible” mean? A top-down sort of deal? No. It means the car seat can be used rear facing or front facing. It’s recommended that children are rear faced for as long as possible (up to 2 years if you can get your child to do so). It is the safest position they can be in if involved in any kind of accident. We were juggling between the Radian Diono RXT and the Clek Foonf. We didn’t get to test both out so we relied heavily on reviews. We liked them primarily for their high safety ratings, narrow design to fit 3 across in a standard size car, high weight capacity and cup holder add-on. We ended up getting an Amazon Warehouse deal on the Clek Foonf. It may have been an open box item, but it was pretty much brand new and untouched, plus we got it for about $80 less than retail. We were sold on the Clek Foonf since it is one of the newest and safest car seats on the market. With the anti-rebound bar and REACT safety system I am completely assured that Nolan will be as safe as can be in an accident. Plus it looks like a tank. Did I mention that every part of it is recyclable?? Nolan seems to like it since he can see out the window a lot easier now. We’re still in need of a 2nd one for my car so we might test out other seats or get a 2nd Foonf. I admit that it’s on the pricier end so please do your own research and see what fits best for your car, your child and lifestyle.

7 month old baby boy in clek foonf car seat
